? ??????????????Distant Love? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??6 Grabs Today. 4955 Total Grabs. ??????
Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????I Love Girls? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (9 Ratings)??5 Grabs Today. 7862 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Glamour Glam? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, September 28, 2009

The hot seat with Suffy

Journalism acts as the voice for the people in society, by ensuring that certain issues concerning their well-being are dealt with in the expected manner. As much as I may be an independent thinker, I always ensure that I place society’s values as one of my highest priorities, due to the fact that these opinions are the tools of journalism. The world is faced with many challenges on a daily basis and it is our duty as journalists to question these sorts of challenges and always look deeply into them because society has placed its trust on us to report back to them and keep them informed of the things and changes which are taking place around them.I am highly driven by change around me. I am a person who cannot accept change or reject it for that matter just because that is what society expects me to do, but I allow myself to question each and every little thing that takes place around me and I ensure that I am very observant as well so that I am always on the alert and well informed of the things which are taking place. These are some of the skills I believe a journalist should have because they are expected to report back truthfully and critically.R U Scandalous aims at delivering the latest news around the Rhodes University campus and ensuring that the people around campus; being the students and the staff are kept well informed of what is happening around them. We also aim at placing a lot of focus on the scandals that take place and unveiling all the truths and deceits involved in it so that the most critical and informative information has been shared. We expect our followers to put their trust towards our blog, without giving them any reason to doubt the information that we provide them with. It is also our aim to make sure that we reveal both sides to the story at all times, rather than going with the side that we feel our followers would like to hear because that will be going against our morals and promise of giving out critical and informative news. R U Scandalous works on having to become the platform for the staff and students to voice out their opinions on the news that we cover and allow lines of defence against certain issues so that debates over the matters take place; and our followers continue to be fed with more factual information towards the matters which have been brought to their attention.The power of journalism is an embracement to the questions in society and the faceless gaze that observes the issues taking place. The R U Scandalous team is here to be the faceless gaze that can be trusted by all.